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President Piñera presents step-by-step plan: "It will be applied gradually, listening to the co

It consists of five clearly defined stages in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic that will be implemented as the health standards are met.

The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, presented this Sunday the “Paso a Paso” (step-by-step) plan, which comprises five phases for moving past the Covid-19 pandemic, progressing from quarantine to advanced opening.

“All the effort and sacrifice are necessary and they are paying off,” the President said during a presentation at La Moneda Palace, in which he was accompanied by Health Minister Enrique Paris.

The Minister highlighted that during these last five weeks, the daily figures for infected and actively sick people have been decreasing, with 12 regions showing improvements. This makes it possible to move to the step-by-step plan.

“This plan will be applied carefully and prudently, following the recommendations of science, the World Health Organization and the Advisory Committee. It will be applied gradually and flexibly, always listening to the community and taking account of the circumstances of each district and region,” said President Piñera.

“Depending on its compliance with the health criteria, each district or region can take steps forward in this deconfinement process. But should the conditions make it necessary, they can also return to previous steps,” he added.

The first step is quarantine, which implies limited mobility to minimize interaction and the spread of the virus. This phase includes restrictions on personal mobility, exclusive permits for doing essential activities, complying with curfew, physical distancing, sanitary customs and cordons sanitaires, mandatory quarantine for people over 75 and the prohibition on traveling to second homes. This stage also involves a suspension of presential classes, the closure of borders and a ban on events with more than 50 people, the functioning of clubs, cinemas, theaters, pubs, discotheques and gyms, as well as a ban on cafés and restaurants serving the public.

The second phase is transition, where the degree of confinement is reduced but an abrupt opening is avoided to minimize the risks of infection. During this phase, quarantine is maintained on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, curfew, sanitary customs and cordons sanitaires still need to be complied with, and people over 75 must remain in quarantine but some movement is allowed. This stage also involves a suspension of presential classes, the closure of borders and a ban on events with more than 50 people, the functioning of clubs, cinemas, theaters, pubs, discotheques and gyms, as well as a ban on cafés and restaurants serving the public. Social and recreational activities with more than 10 people are also prohibited.

The third step is called preparation. Quarantine is lifted for the general population, with the exception of the at-risk groups. During this phase, curfew, sanitary customs and cordons sanitaires still need to be complied with, and mandatory quarantine continues for all people over 75. However social and recreational activities with up to 50 people will be allowed any day of the week and people can move about except during the hours of curfew. Just like in the previous phase, this stage includes the suspension of presential classes, unless otherwise requested by the mayors, the closure of borders and the ban on the functioning of clubs, cinemas, theaters, pubs discotheques and gyms, as well as a ban on cafés and restaurants serving the public.

The fourth phase is initial opening and allows the resumption of certain activities with a lower risk of infection, while minimizing crowds. Curfews, sanitary customs and cordons sanitaires still need to be complied with but movement is permitted and people over 75 can go out once a day. A gradual return to presential classes is authorized, in accordance with Education Ministry planning. Cinemas and theaters can function at 25% capacity and cafés and restaurants can also attend at up to 25% capacity. However, clubs, pubs, discotheques and gyms will remain closed. Social and recreational activities with more than 50 people will also continue to be prohibited.

The fifth step is advanced opening, which enables an increase in the number of people in the activities that were allowed in the previous phase, always with the same self-care measures. In this phase people will be permitted to visit second homes and those aged 75 and over will have freedom of movement. A gradual return to presential classes is authorized. Cinemas and theaters can function at up to 75% capacity and cafés and restaurants will also be able to attend at up to 75% capacity. Gyms, pubs and discotheques will also be able to operate at 50% capacity. Social and recreational activities with more than 150 people will be prohibited.

“This cause should be a factor of unity and not division among Chileans. I therefore call on all my fellow Chileans to make a commitment to the step-by-step plan and contribute to the recovery of our country,” said President Piñera.

  • Anglo Chilean Society


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