The Foreign Affairs Ministry is working hard with the Latam, Sky and Jetsmart airlines to help Chileans who have been unable to return to the country due to the measures adopted by other states, which have included closing borders and prohibiting passenger air travel.
So far 59,555 people have returned to Chile between March 18 and April 17, despite the difficulties in moving between countries because of the measures taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Of these 36,997 are Chileans and 22,558 are residents.
Support is being provided to the airlines and work is being done with other foreign affairs ministries to secure authorization so that rescue flights can be organized from those places where it is still logistically feasible.
Similarly, significant work has been undertaken with the foreign airlines Copa Airlines, Avianca and Aeromexico to ensure they fulfil their commitment to return fellow Chileans, either by transferring tickets to other companies or transporting them themselves.
The current situation is quite complex at the global level and so it is important that people remain calm and act responsibly, taking measures to stay healthy and avoiding decisions that might put their health and that of their families at risk.
The pandemic and its consequences make it impossible to open up air routes to evacuate those who have been stranded far from Chile. It is therefore important that Chileans who are out of the country and are having difficulties coming back get in contact with the consulates, which will provide guidance and assistance to help make it through this period in which the crisis makes it impossible to open up return routes.