Thank you for joining us for our first virtual event on Thursday 11th June when we showed a Chilean cooking demonstration with Matias Arteaga Cocinero. At the beginning we had some technical issues for which we apologize but we think at the end we all enjoyed the event and the charm of Matias!
If you have not already done so, and would like to donate to Matias's chosen charity, please go to
All the proceeds for the next 7 days will be sent to CocinaPais. We thank you in advance for your generosity.
If you would like to see the cooking video again or read the actual recipes, they are all now available on our website
We invite non-members and friends to join the Society and help us to help worthy charitable causes in Chile as well as join us for a variety of members’ events during the year. Just click Join US on the home page of our website and chose the type of membership most convenient for you.