Ian Ruxton, grandson of Alexander MacDonald, who spent some years in Chile with his wife Susan, has kindly share with us the book ‘In Memory of Lieutenant Ian Lester MacDonald of the Black Watch, 1923-1945’ written by his grandfather Alex and edited by Ian.
In memory of Lieutenant Ian L. MacDonald of the Black Watch, one of so many young lives sacrificed by the cruelty and tragedy of the Second World War. He was born in Scotland, but spent his early years in Chile before returning aged 13 to school at Loretto near Edinburgh (September 1936-July 1941). He died aged 21 leading his platoon in an attack on a "farmhouse" (actually a pill-box) near Goch, Germany on 25 February 1945, very shortly before the war in Europe ended. Photographs, explanatory footnotes and appendices have been added to the transcription of the handwritten manuscript which was written as part of the grieving process in 1945-46 by Alexander MacDonald (1894-1954), father of Ian MacDonald and grandfather of the editor. This is a true story which spans two continents, underlining the global nature and repercussions of World War Two for just one of countless families. "Remembered with Love and Pride." "Lest We Forget."
This is the book in PDF format if you want to download it
If you wish to purchase a copy you can do it so in this Amazon link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083ZG8KBZ
Thank you Ian for sharing this moving story with us.
Ian MacDonald in Black Watch uniform
Ian MacDonald portrait
Ian at the beach
Susan (real names Dorothy Lester) MacDonald - wife of Alex, mother of Ian
Alex MacDonald portrait